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Men Vs. Women in the American Dream

Blog #6      The American Dream is defined as " the ideal that every US citizen should have an equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination, and initiative". Although it says every  US citizen does it really mean everyone? In Sandra L. Hanson's "Whose Dream? Gender and the American Dream, she investigates the difficulties women face and why we have this division when it comes to achieving the  American Dream. Throughout this chapter she also examines other aspects concerning the American Dream such as education, job opportunities, and most importantly...wealth.      Hanson begins by explaining how gender is divided in different aspects of life such as education, earnings, occupations, politics, and opportunity. One of the aspects that stood out to me was education because Hanson says that women attend college at a higher rate than men, however a majority of them do not go into science related majors, "Today women attend

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