The American Dream: Morals Vs. Materials

Blog #5

     The American Dream is mainly known as, if you work hard you can accomplish your dreams. People in the past believe that the American Dream was their hope to making their lives better. Even today the American Dream is seen as you can achieve success if you're willing to put in the work and if you have the dedication to reach your goal. 

     Walter Fisher, USC professor, elaborates on the American Dream in "Reaffirmation and Subversion of the American Dream" as he separates the American Dream into two categories: the moralistic dream and the materialistic dream. Which all began in the 1972 presidential election; although he put them into separate categories he states that these two must coexist equally in order for our nation to live on and prosper. He defines the moralistic dream as, " the values of tolerance, charity, compassion, and true regard for the dignity and worth of each and every individual" (114). Fischer then describes the materialistic dream as, " grounded on the puritan work ethic and relates to the value of effort, persistence, 'playing the game', initiative, self-reliance, achievement, and success" (114). 

    In the 1972 presidential election between Richard Nixon and Senator McGovern, it was an election between two opposite myths regarding their vision on the American Dream. Fisher believes that Americans have both the materialistic and moralistic values, but there was one that they preferred to live by, which was Nixon's. Even though Nixon won the election, many people didn't agree with his ways of dealing with business or the Vietnam war but the people chose him because they value his view on the American Dream, " they were indicating a preference for that aspect of the American Dream that Nixon personifies, an image both in harmony with their present, predominate self-concept than that represented by Senator McGovern" (113).  Nixon's standing on many issues weren't very popular by the people but he was chosen because Americans believed that he would help Americans make the American Dream better, he will help them achieve their American Dream.

      As I read Fisher's article, it made me realize how not much has changed since 1972, this is still very relatable to today's America. In our most recent election, Trump vs. Clinton; it was basically the same exact thing. Two candidates with opposite visions and values, but one's values were more preferred over the other, which was Trump. A majority of Americans did not agree with Trump's standing on economy, government, or pretty much...anything. But the reason why he won the election was because people believed he would help people achieve their American Dream, that he would make the American Dream better for America, as he said in his campaign many, many times, "Make America great again!" 

     Overall, I feel like I learned from Fisher's article, that no matter which value or "myth" you prefer you still have both sides as a part of you. Whether you prefer hard work and success or you prefer compassion and each individual's worth. No matter what, a person can't fully escape the American Dream as Fisher says, " Although the American Dream is two myths and a person may exemplify or strongly prefer one over the other, it is important to recognize that no American can entirely escape the whole dream" (116). 


  1. I agree with what you said about how no matter what side a person may prefer, it is impossible to escape the full dream. Everyone must believe in both sides to some degree. You couldn't just say that you're super tolerant but don't care about your own success or achievements.

  2. I like how you related the 1972 election to the 2016election. I also agree with you, I think that no matter which side someone leans to, the other side will always be a part of them and they can never escape the whole dream. Great post!

  3. I totally agree with what you said about how it doesn't really matter which side you take and that we all are together under one dream. No matter the differences between one another, we all share the same values from both of these sides one way or other. Nice post.

  4. Good observations, Sammy. Fisher claims that ideally, the Dream should not be either/or but both/and, that the Dream offers a healthy American identity when exists in balance.

  5. I definitely agree with what you said about, how the American Dream is inescapable , and I like how you stated that even though the myths are separate the American Dream at the end of the day is still made up of both aspects.


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